I believe Mother’s Day should be celebrated every single day. My mother is my knight in shining armor and taught me to believe in myself and the amazing power of love. I learned at an early age to spread my wings and fly and to trust in the hands of an amazing God. My mother is the best mother I could ever have been blessed to have in my life and a gift to those whose life she has touched through childhood education.
My mother has always been there for me, and she still remains by my side until this day. My mother always instilled in me, to never give up: “Believe in your dreams and know with God that all things are possible. I always knew within because of my upbringing that I would do something useful with my life, something to make the world a little better because I had a lot of love to give.
I believe in God, in family, in truth between people that care for each other, and in the amazing power of love. I believe that we are really created in God’s image, and that God’s spirit is within us all. I believe that we all can make a difference.” I had the opportunity to witness through sharing the work from my books and speaking how love can make our world a better place and how we can be a light in a world filled with darkness.
I believe parents can give and leave a legacy of love to their children. My mother has given me love to last a lifetime and it has caused me to give and share that same love with people across the world. I strive to let all the love I possibly can live out through me and give hope to the hopeless. My mother has taught me that we are all gifts of God and we all have the amazing power of love within us, for we are all created in the love of God.
I have made a commitment to myself to celebrate Mother’s Day each and every day that I’m given the opportunity to grace my mother’s presence another day. For those of you without your mother on this day, I can only imagine the difficulty you will endure and the pain and grief. I send my prayers to you and your family. I know that you will continue to keep her memory alive as you honor her on Mother’s Day. I pray for healing and peace that will soothe your soul as you slowly approach this day. I know the world will not be the same without your mother for she was and always will be your knight in shining armor.